Do you feel invisible?
The reasons are multifold. Besides shyness it often has to do with too dark colours, too basis outfits, a lack of style quality, wrong style for your professional field- so that people don´t consider you as an expert they may need.
Wrong image- underestimation
When the clothes, hairstyle, make-up etc are, look and feel "cheap" , lazy or bad quality, it radiates a wrong message. Result: price discussions, wrong buyers, getting the bad jobs...
Arrogant, unfriendly vibe turning people away
This is special. You may have style sense but with choosing wrong colours, too sharp shapes and clothes it can create a visual message which doesn´t support your character. Person and styling have to fit to feel authentic.
Invisible after 40
The older we get the less constrasts we have in our face- and as we know that our society has just opened up to women after 40, we need to consider some points to stay in the spotlight. Besides colours it is the make-up and hairstyle. Checking the eye brows, enhancing the eyes etc...
Feeling unattractive with size L- and hiding
This IS a problem. I know it because I am curvy, too. So what do most women do when they feel too curvy and hate their body? They hide behind black, dark clothes. Result: they turn invisible.
Inconsistent look- sometimes good- sometimes bad
This is a big problem, often combined with a super-full wardrobe. There is so much in it but it doesn´t support you.