Welcome, lady!

Can you afford not standing out yet? Silly question, you may say. Dressing is not as easy. Clothes you like on your friends dont ´look good on you. Actually, it is possible- no matter if you are curvy or petit....to adjust and enhace what you have. Look taller, even slimmer. How to shape your body best? Know your BODY TYPE. You will be guided- step by step. And afterwards you have the knowledge but also first styling methods and outfit ideas on your hand. And start buying focused, confident and chic.

This is a self-learning mini course which will save you a lot of money and stressful moments in front of your mirror, wardrobe or in a fashion boutique. 

Nothing is more obvious than your body shape and size. BUT NOBODY EVER TOLD US THAT IT IS OKAY TO LOOK DIFFERENT! And nobody told us how to shape it to look best and which clothes shapes we should focus on.

A fish doesn´t need to live on a tree, while a cat doesn´t need to live in the ocean. Give the fish the best water and the cat a nice tree- and both are happy!

Same with us ladies!

Learn to understand which clothes your body  really needs and which are totally wrong.

And what I will give you, too, is the shaping methods I have been regularly using use for my style clients.

And you will get these 20 years of experience in styling real-life women, not models, for a few well-invested dollars/euros/whatever.

Never stop yourself because you don´t like your body. This body and this face have superpowers!

They carry you through the important presentation, every day work, an intimate date with your new love, attending that nerve-wrecking school anniversary.

As I said before, let the fish give good water and the cat a nice tree. First, love your body shape- understand your body type and then - get your style done. How to do? You will get it in the next minutes!

I guess, you are here because there is a substantial issue with your body shape. Is it hard for you to find nice clothes? Does your body look too big or too small? Whatever it is, it can be fixed.

Your body has a dimension, height, its proportions. When they are balanced, it is pretty unimportant which size it has.

The only thing you need is a big mirror and a bit time. Place it in your bedroom next to your closet. And then let us start. AH, YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE? Then read on :-)


Read what Sandra has to say...

“Dear Sonja, I want to tell you what has happened after I identified my body type with your course. First, your motto "scale matters, not the clothes size" opened a new door for me. As a curvy woman with "A-Shape", I always wore black trousers because everything else felt bad. After I started using your tricks, espcially with styling my upper body better, I love my look! My Colleagues are noticing that, even my hubbie :-) I feel great and confident! Thank you so much!”

Sandra M.

“I am not curvy, more the opposite, but not slim..., no waistline. Your course showed my how to measure my body and get a feeling for its proportion. I tried out your outfit tips and it really works! My "H" shape got a curvier look :-) ”

Karin W.

Hello, I am Sonja, from Frau Jonason

Personal Stylist & Designer.

Nice to meet you! I just wanted to tell you that I had my own issues with my body type. One day, while writing on my book "ReDesign", a horrible thought came into my mind. In some months you have to present your book, give interviews and stand out." Horrible! I have gained weight and felt unattractive. And I should promote my book now? No way! Eventually I found the guts to check my body type, also my size- and find strategies to make it look better, slimmer and comfortable. But the first step was understanding my shape- and the size- their limits and free spaces :-) And-yes_ I managed to create beautiful styles for me and gain so much confidence that I started Instagram with a lot of selfies of me. Curious? Have a look at /fraujonason Besides, I am a mom of 2 boys, living on a beautiful farm in Austria, love nature, garden work, biking, writing and being connected with the world. Best wishes, Sonja

YOUR BODY TYPE CALCULATOR and why it is game-changing.

  • You can adjust your body- and look slimmer, taller, balanced

    So, while others try to lose weight to look better, you KNOW that wearing these pants with that top can do more for your shape than a diet. When you are more petite, you will know how to look taller without wearing super high platform heels.

  • Save money for the right clothes

    No wrong buys any more. Because you only cater your body type needs- and not the miltimillion dollar fashionlabel.

  • Easy to calculate and to implement

    In the next hour, you know which body type you are- and then get first ideas on how to implement the new knowledge. Start your new look today!

THE FIRST STEP YOU GET HERE. You identify your body shape and size

This is what you get here. Want a little view in the future? The next step after this course, after this knowledge? Then have a look at the next point.

POSSIBLE IN THE NEXT WEEKS: Look formidable & more relaxed

After knowing your body type you meet your besties- styling hacks for your body type. PLUS: real-life outfit tips


  • Know which body type you are
  • Get style hacks how to shape your body and adjust it
  • Getting first styling ideas for your body type
  • BONUS: curated outfit boards for easy-to-style ideas


No wrong-buys and feeling too thick, too male, too curvy, too petit any more.


  • Is this mini course for a specific clothes size?

    NO. This calculating method works for any clothes type- from small sitze to XL.

  • Can I ask you personally for help?

    This mini course is a self-learning course. But you can get in contact for my style support, creating your flattering outfits. Of course, this 1:1 service has its price, but it´s worth it :-)

  • Is there a refund?

    NO. As this mini course is made for identifying your body type, getting first ideas of how to shape it well plus curated image boards for outfit ideas - it is pretty clear what it is about. So, no refund. But the risk is low- as it is a very affordable course.

About Frau Jona&Son

Frau Jona&Son is Sonja Wöhrenschimmel-Wahl. Studied Textile Arts and Design. Fashiondesigner. First Austrian "EcoFashion Blog", since 2007. Fashiondesign, workshops for redesign and style. Author of "ReDesign", March 2016, Haupt Verlag. Diploma Style Consulting. Diploma Make-up-artist. Several articles for Austrian magazines. Covered in several Austrian and German magazines, newspapers, platforms.